[Tex/LaTex] beamer: frame without decorations, with custom margin


I use \begin{frame}[plain] to have a frame without decorations. The content (inside columns environment) seems to horizontally still respecting the old margins (with Warsaw, gap on the left), although vertically, the whole space is taken as it should be. Beamer manual says that plain only suppresses decorations, but does not mention it changing geometry.

Is there a straightforward way to have empty frame, with some user-defined margins?

EDIT: this is what I get with the following; text on the second slide is not left.


enter image description here


The solutions suggested by @MarcoDaniel does not restore the margin correctly unfortunately (without \restoregeometry, the slide decoration starts on the left correctly, but the block goes over it just like on the screenshot). Enclosing the change in \bgroup...\egroup does not help:

enter image description here

Best Answer

The bounty has already been awarded, but here's the beamer way:

beamer uses six horizontal lengths:

  • \beamer@leftsidebar and \beamer@rightsidebar store the (horizontal) sizes of the side bars.

  • \beamer@leftmargin and \beamer@rightmargin store the distance between sidebar and text.

  • The macros \Gm@lmargin and \Gm@rmargin store the distance from the edge of the paper to the edge of the text.

Thus the sum \beamer@leftsidebar and \beamer@leftmargin is exactly \Gm@lmargin.

Thus, if you wish to put some text right next to the left edge of paper with the proper separation, you need a horizontal skip equal to \beamer@leftsidebar to get there.





