[Tex/LaTex] Beamer: Custom styles for environments


In beamer, there are some predefined (colour) styles like plain, theorem, definition and remark. My first question is where can I find the list of these styles? and the second one is how can I create my own style? For instance, I want to apply orange colour for remarks.

Best Answer

Here's how you can easily define new customized theorem-like blocks; the idea is to define a new style with customized settings, and then use this new style for your structures:


    \normalfont % body font
    \setbeamercolor{block title example}{bg=orange,fg=white}
    \setbeamercolor{block body example}{bg=orange!20,fg=black}


\begin{theorem}[An important theorem]
    Some text

\begin{remark}[Some important remark]
    Some text


enter image description here

Relevant settings for definition of theorem-like structures:

In the file beamerbasetheorems.sty you find:






which means that the example style is the same as the remark style; the plain style is used for theorems, corollaries, lemmas, problems, solutions. The definition style applies to definitions, and the example style, to examples.

Also relevant might be the lines


    \normalfont % body font

which show basically that for the example style, exampleblock is used, but for all other theorem-like structures block is used.

In beamerbaseauxtemplates.sty one finds:

\defbeamertemplate{theorem begin}{ams style}
      \ifx\inserttheoremaddition\@empty\else\ (\inserttheoremaddition)\fi%

\defbeamertemplate{theorem end}{ams style}

\defbeamertemplate{theorem begin}{numbered}
      \ifx\inserttheoremaddition\@empty\else\ (\inserttheoremaddition)\fi%

\defbeamertemplate{theorem end}{numbered}

\defbeamertemplate{theorem begin}{normal font}
    \ifx\inserttheoremaddition\@empty\else\ (\inserttheoremaddition)\fi%

\defbeamertemplate{theorem end}{normal font}
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