[Tex/LaTex] beamer color settings for section names in the header

beamersectioningtable of contents

This guide explains how to produce dynamic headers, where
the current section is highlighted.

But how can I control the color used for highlighting?
(to save space I've set the header's font size to a small value, so I would
like to add some contrast to make it more clear in what section
of the talk we are).

Best Answer

If I understood your question correctly, here's a possible solution; I added a colored framed around the section titles in the both the general ToC and in the ToCs generated at the beginning of each section:



  \tikz\node[rectangle,fill=\sectioncolor,rounded corners] {#1};

  \setbeamercolor{section in toc}{fg=black,bg=\sectioncolor}
  \frametitle{Outline \thesection}

\setbeamertemplate{section in toc shaded}[default][7]

      \ifcase\value{section}\or blue!20\or green!80!black\or red!80!black!50\or yellow!30!black!50\else orange!30!black!50\fi}
    {\global\advance\beamer@tocsectionnumber by 1\relax%
        {\protect\tikz\protect\node[rectangle,fill=\sectioncolor,rounded corners] {#2};}%
    \beamer@tempcount=\c@page\advance\beamer@tempcount by -1%


\frametitle{General Outline}

\section{Test Section One}
\subsection{Test Subsection One One}
\begin{frame}test one\end{frame}
\subsection{Test Subsection One Two}
\begin{frame}test one\end{frame}

\section{Test Section Two}
\subsection{Test Subsection Two One}
\begin{frame}test one\end{frame}
\subsection{Test Subsection Two Two}
\begin{frame}test one\end{frame}
\subsection{Test Subsection Two Three}
\begin{frame}test one\end{frame}

\section{Test Section Three}
\subsection{Test Subsection Three One}
\begin{frame}test one\end{frame}
\subsection{Test Subsection Three Two}
\begin{frame}test one\end{frame}


The general ToC:

enter image description here

Two of the ToCs at the beginning of sections:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Since the modification is required for the sections in the navigation bar and not in the ToCs as I initially thought, the solution is much easier: all that is requierd is to redefine the templates section in head/foot (for the current section) and section in head/foot shaded (for sections different from the current one). In the following example I used a colored frame for the current section, but you can use any other style you like:



\setbeamertemplate{section in head/foot}{\hfill\protect\tikz\protect\node[rectangle,fill=SectionBox!90,rounded corners=1pt,inner sep=1pt,] {\textcolor{white}{\insertsectionhead}};}
\setbeamertemplate{section in head/foot shaded}{\textcolor{structure!40}{\hfill\insertsectionhead}}


\section{Test Section One}
\subsection{Test Subsection One One}
\begin{frame}test section one\end{frame}
\subsection{Test Subsection One Two}
\begin{frame}test section  one\end{frame}

\section{Test Section Two}
\subsection{Test Subsection Two One}
\begin{frame}test section  two\end{frame}
\subsection{Test Subsection Two Two}
\begin{frame}test section  two\end{frame}
\subsection{Test Subsection Two Three}
\begin{frame}test  section  two\end{frame}

\section{Test Section Three}
\subsection{Test Subsection Three One}
\begin{frame}test section  three\end{frame}
\subsection{Test Subsection Three Two}
\begin{frame}test section  three\end{frame}


Some images of some of the headlines:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

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