[Tex/LaTex] Beamer: \againframe inside other frame


I'd like to repeat a certain state of a frame in beamer.
Say like this:

        \item<1> foo
        \item<2> bar

        \item<1> fooagain
        \item<3> baragain

However, this would not work as one can only call \againframe outside of other frames.

I would be fine with this constraint however, I don't want a mini frame for each frame I call again (with \againframe).

Do you know a solution for that?

Best Answer

I'm not 100% sure I understand what you want to achieve, but maybe it's this:

        \item<1> fooagain
        \item<2> foo
        \item<3> baragain
        \item<4> bar

(I think this is also what @gotgenes has in mind.)