[Tex/LaTex] Basic geometric shapes, sections, shading


Two questions really … (fishing for lots of opinions here)

  1. Is there a definitive guide that most folks agree is the best place to come up to speed on how to make pictures in the tikz world, and

  2. in particular, how one would use it (assuming it's not self-evident) to make images like the ones below? (Assuming that tikz is the best way to go other than just inserting eps images in LaTeX)

enter image description here

Best Answer

  1. As Jake has mentioned in his comment, the PGF/TikZ manual is the definitive reference for PGF/TikZ, and it contains some very gentle tutorials that will help get you started. There's also a Minimal Introduction to TikZ which could be helpful (I've never read it). Another valuable source of examples would be the gallery in TeXample.net. And, last but not least, this site contains a great collection of examples ranging from asimple to very sophisticated.

  2. There are many possibilities to construct the required shapes; I opted for defining some commands \MySquare and \MyCircle each one having five arguments; the first argument gives the length of the side of the square (the diameter of the circle, respectively), and the other four arguments can be used to fill a quadrant. The \MyShape command has nine arguments; the first one controlling the size and the other eight used for the filling colors.

In all three cases the idea is the same; first, the regions are shaded, then the shape and the divisory lines are drawn.

The code:


\fill[#2] (0,0) rectangle +(0.5*#1,0.5*#1);
\fill[#3] (0.5*#1,0cm) rectangle +(0.5*#1,0.5*#1);
\fill[#4] (0,0.5*#1) rectangle +(0.5*#1,0.5*#1);
\fill[#5] (0.5*#1,0.5*#1) rectangle +(0.5*#1,0.5*#1);

\draw (0,0) rectangle (#1,#1);
\draw (0,0.5*#1) -- +(#1,0);
\draw (0.5*#1,0) -- +(0,#1);

\fill[#4] (0,0) arc[radius=0.5*#1,start angle=180,end angle=90] -- +(0,-0.5*#1) --cycle;
\fill[#5] (#1,0) arc[radius=0.5*#1,start angle=0,end angle=90] -- +(0,-0.5*#1) --cycle;
\fill[#3] (#1,0) arc[radius=0.5*#1,start angle=0,end angle=-90] -- +(0,0.5*#1) -- cycle;
\fill[#2] (0.5*#1,-0.5*#1) arc[radius=0.5*#1,start angle=-90,end angle=-180] -- +(0.5*#1,0) -- cycle;
\draw (0.5*#1,0) circle [radius=0.5*#1];

\draw (0,0) -- +(#1,0);
\draw (0.5*#1,-0.5*#1) -- +(0,#1);

\fill[#2] (0,0) arc[radius=0.5*#1,start angle=270,end angle=180] -- +(0.5*#1,0) --cycle;
\fill[#5] (-0.5*#1,0.5*#1) arc[radius=0.5*#1,start angle=180,end angle=90] -- +(0,-0.5*#1) --cycle;
\fill[#6] (1.5*#1,0.5*#1) arc[radius=0.5*#1,start angle=0,end angle=90] -- +(0,-0.5*#1) --cycle;
\fill[#9] (1.5*#1,0.5*#1) arc[radius=0.5*#1,start angle=0,end angle=-90] -- +(0,0.5*#1) -- cycle;
\draw (#1,0) -- +(-#1,0) 
  arc[radius=0.5*#1,start angle=270,end angle=90] -- +(#1,0)
  arc[radius=0.5*#1,start angle=90,end angle=-90] -- cycle;
\draw (-0.5*#1,0.5*#1) -- +(2*#1,0);
\draw (#1,0) -- +(0,#1);
\draw (0.5*#1,0) -- +(0,#1);
\draw (0,0) -- +(0,#1);




enter image description here

If labels have to be added to the regions, perhaps a different approach is better:


\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,draw,rectangle,minimum size=#2,#1] (#3) {}; 

  \fill[#3] ( $ (#1.north west) + (0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth) $ ) rectangle (#1.center);
  \fill[#3] (#1.center) rectangle ( $ (#1.north east) + (-0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth) $ );
  \fill[#3] ( $ (#1.south west) + (0.5\pgflinewidth,0.5\pgflinewidth) $ ) rectangle (#1.center);
  \fill[#3] (#1.center) rectangle ( $ (#1.south east) + (-0.5\pgflinewidth,0.5\pgflinewidth) $ );

\node at ( $ (#1.north west)!0.5!(#1.center) $ ) {#3};
\node at ( $ (#1.north east)!0.5!(#1.center) $ ) {#3};
\node at ( $ (#1.south west)!0.5!(#1.center) $ ) {#3};
\node at ( $ (#1.south east)!0.5!(#1.center) $ ) {#3};

\draw (#1.north) -- (#1.south);
\draw (#1.west) -- (#1.east);


\DrawSquare[right=of A]{2cm}{B}


enter image description here

The commands:


draws a square of side equal to <length> and assigns to it the name <name>; it has an optional argument to pass options to the \node used to draw the square.


Fills one of the four quadrants of the square with name <name>, using the color specified in the third argument. <number> is an integer number from 1 to 4 controlling which region will be colored.

Additional labels can be assigned using the anchors associated to the <name> used to name the square.


draws two perpendicular lines for the node named <name>.



places <text> in the center of region <number> for the shape named <name>.

Using some \foreach loops the code simplifies even more:


\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,draw,rectangle,minimum size=#2,#1] (#3) {}; 

  \fill[#3] ( $ (#1.north west) + (0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth) $ ) rectangle (#1.center);
  \fill[#3] (#1.center) rectangle ( $ (#1.north east) + (-0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth) $ );
  \fill[#3] ( $ (#1.south west) + (0.5\pgflinewidth,0.5\pgflinewidth) $ ) rectangle (#1.center);
  \fill[#3] (#1.center) rectangle ( $ (#1.south east) + (-0.5\pgflinewidth,0.5\pgflinewidth) $ );

\node at ( $ (#1.north west)!0.5!(#1.center) $ ) {#3};
\node at ( $ (#1.north east)!0.5!(#1.center) $ ) {#3};
\node at ( $ (#1.south west)!0.5!(#1.center) $ ) {#3};
\node at ( $ (#1.south east)!0.5!(#1.center) $ ) {#3};

\draw (#1.north) -- (#1.south);
\draw (#1.west) -- (#1.east);

\foreach \rcolor [count=\i] in {#2}

\foreach \rlabel [count=\i] in {#2}



\DrawSquare[right=of A]{2cm}{B}
