[Tex/LaTex] Bad mathchar with semantic package


I get the following error message when using the semantic package:

   ! Bad mathchar (32768).
<to be read again> 
l.13 \begin{document}

The problem goes away if I load the semantic package with just the inference option. However, I do need math ligatures (the \mathlig command).

Also, the problem disappears if I do not load the mathtools package. Here is a minimal working example:




% \usepackage{mathtools}     % Uncommenting this causes the problem.



Here is a formula: $a -> b |-> c$.


Best Answer

The semantic package documentation doesn’t explicitly tell that amsmath should be loaded before it.

Since mathtools loads amsmath, the same applies.



\usepackage{mathtools} % must go before semantic



Here is a formula: $a -> b |-> c$.


enter image description here

I'm not really sure of the advantage of -> over \rightarrow and |-> over \mapsto.