[Tex/LaTex] Bad math environment delimiter error


I want my math equation aligned at the center

\item Vo is calculated as shown:
        Vo = (1 + R1 \(\div\) R2) + (Iadj \(\ast\) R2)
    Because Iadj typically is 50\(\mu\)A, it is negligible in most applications.

When I type this and compile, I always get a Bad math environment delimiter error. I am using package amsmath.

Bad math environment delimiter. Vo = (1 + R1 \(
Bad math environment delimiter. Vo = (1 + R1 \(\div\)
Bad math environment delimiter. Vo = (1 + R1 \(\div\) R2) + (Iadj \(
Bad math environment delimiter. Vo = (1 + R1 \(\div\) R2) + (Iadj \(\ast\)

What should I do?

When I do this:

\item Vo is calculated as shown:
        $$Vo = (1 + R1 \(\div\) R2) + (Iadj \(\ast\) R2)$$
    Because Iadj typically is 50\(\mu\)A, it is negligible in most applications.

I get no errors but the mathematical equation is not aligned at the center.

Best Answer

Some suggestions:

  • In an equation environment, you're automatically in (display-) math mode. No point in entering math-mode twice. (As you've found out the hard way, one can't re-enter math mode if one is already in math mode...)

  • Don't neglect to use subscripts as needed. (I kept V_o, but I have a hunch that V_0 might be more appropriate.)

  • For multiplication and division, consider using \cdot and / instead of \ast and \div.

  • To typeset physical quantities, I recommend loading the siunitx package and writing \SI{50}{\micro\ampere} rather than 50\(\mu\)A.

enter image description here

\begin{itemize} % or 'enumerate'
\item $V_o$ is calculated as shown:
        V_o = (1 + R_1 / R_2) + (I_{\textnormal{adj}} \cdot R_2)
    Because $I_{\textnormal{adj}}$ typically is \SI{50}{\micro\ampere}, it 
    is negligible in most applications.
\end{itemize} % or 'enumerate'
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