[Tex/LaTex] Bad formatting of Bibliography

bibtexhorizontal alignmentragged2espacingurls

I tried two ways to format a bibliography with lots of URL's:

  1. Without 'RaggedRight'
  2. With 'RaggedRight'

In the first case, there are wide spaces between words in some items, that a really not acceptable. In the second case, the whole bibliography looks rather ugly for my taste.

So I'm looking for a third way, without 'RaggedRight' and without the spaces between words. Here is a MWE:

\documentclass[fontsize=14pt, DIV=13, german, a4paper, table]{scrbook}

\part{Part 1}

\chapter{Chapter 1}

\section{Section 1}

Here I cite two publications: first \cite{toll2009leibnitzMonaden},
then \cite{duarte2011jobsTrends}. 

% \begin{RaggedRight}
% \end{RaggedRight}


using the following .bib file:

  author =   {Duarte, Gustavo},
  title =    {{Programming Language Jobs and Trends}},
  howpublished =
  year =     2011,
  note =     {[Online; accessed 25-July-2011]}

  author =   {Toll, Andreas},
  title =    {{Leibniz' Philosophie der Monaden}},
  howpublished =
  year =     2009,
  note =     {[Online; accessed 04-August-2011]}

Best Answer

There is a difference between \RaggedRight and \raggedright. Have you tried (and disliked) both?

I must be honest and say, that I do not quite see what you mean by it "looks ugly" from this example. Maybe you could give a more detailed description of what exactly it is that bothers you.

Alternatively you could also take a look at this package that is specifically designed to handle URLs in the bibliography: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/contrib/urlbst It has a alphaurl.bst, that may do a formatting to your liking. The disadvantage would be that you would need to modify your bibliography to the new tags (URL and Lastchecked).