Texmaker Backup – Backing Up User-Defined Entries of Autocompletion


Where does Texmaker store the user-defined entries for the autocompletion feature? I'd like to back up (as well as export) my own entries…

Best Answer

(comment converted to answer)

You can backup all of your settings via Options→Settings File→Save a copy of the settings file and restore them with Replace the settings file by a new one in the same menu.


The .ini file you get as a backup contains the custom autocomplete entries; in my file, it was line 27:

Editor\UserCompletion=\\ex, \\documentclass{\x2022}, \\addfontfeatures{\x2022}, \\makeatletter, \\makeatother, \\newfontfamily\x2022{\x2022}, \\newfontfamily\x2022[\x2022]{\x2022}, \\tiny, \\scriptsize, \\footnotesize, \\small, \\normalsize, \\large, \\Large, \\LARGE, \\huge, \\Huge, \\toprule, \\midrule, \\bottomrule, \\begingroup, \\endgroup, \\parbox{\x2022}{\x2022}
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