[Tex/LaTex] Automating the creation of name badges for an event


We are organizing an event. There will be around 60 participants and I need to prepare name badges (tags) for them.

The badge will involve, name surname and affiliation fields which is different for each participant.

These fields are already in an Excel sheet actually. So, I can easily export them to a csv file.

And there will be a footer with a logo (picture) and the name of the organization.

I want to create a PDF holding 8 or 10 cards per page and then cut with scissors.

I can create the file manually in Word but I don't like to. How can I automate this process in LaTeX?

As an example, here's a simple design that I would like to have:

enter image description here

Best Answer

ticket package fits very well for this use. The pin example is what you seek for:

% ticket.sty example file for a pin for conferences
% use the corresponding paper size for your ticket definition

% load ticket.sty with the appropriate ticket definition

% load misc stuff

% make your default ticket. \ticketdefault is somewhat like a background
  \put(50,  3){\includegraphics[width=15mm]{ifmlogoc}}
  \put( 5, 13){\line(1,0){60}}
  \put( 7, 10){\scriptsize Animal annual meeting (AAM)}
  \put( 7,  7){\scriptsize In the gardens}
  \put( 7,  4){\scriptsize April 1, 2000}

% now what do you like to put in your ticket
    \put(35,36){\makebox[0mm]{\bfseries\Large #1}}
    \put(35,28){\makebox[0mm]{\bfseries\large #2}}%

%% the pins for the partipiciants ... ;-)
%% you can generate this part from a database!
\confpin{Camelus dromedarius}{North Africa}
\confpin{Urocyon cinereoargenteus}{America}
\confpin{Galago moholi}{South Africa}
\confpin{Dasypus novemcintus}{South America}
\confpin{Rhinocerus sondaicus}{Java}
\confpin{Canis lupus}{Northern sphere}
\confpin{Ramphastus spec.}{South Amerika}
\confpin{Panthera tigris sondaica}{Java}
\confpin{Hippocampus spec.}{the ocean}
\confpin{Anthonomus grandis}{Mexico}
\confpin{Petrogale penicillata}{Australia}
\confpin{Tarsius spec.}{Sumatra}

The result is as follows:

enter image description here

For boxed badges, use


in the preamble. For the other options, see the manual.

To create confpin content, you can use the following command in Excel and copy the content to your document. It assumes that column A has name surname, and column B has affiliation.

=CONCATENATE("\confpin{"; A2; "}{";B2; "}")