[Tex/LaTex] Automatically citing all entries in a class in a bib file


I usually add my publications to my CV from my bib file (using biblatex). At first, I used to manually cite each entry, but as the list grows, it's becoming a chore (especially since there are quite a few publications in between my CV updates and I can never seem to remember the chronological order). I would like to be able to tell biblatex to scan my bib file, pull out all @article entries and cite them under a heading "Journal publications", then all the @inproceedings entries and cite them under "Conference proceedings" and so on (i.e., without individually citing them).

I can manage naming/styling the sections and headings, but I'm stuck at doing the automatic citing. How can I do this? Here's a very minimal example without the frills to get started:

The .bib file:

    author  = {J. Doe},
    title   = {Lorem Ipsum -- Part I},
    journal = {J. Dolor Sit Am.},
    volume  = {1},
    pages   = {1--10},
    month   = {1},
    year    = {2012},

    author  = {J. Doe},
    title   = {Lorem Ipsum -- Part II},
    journal = {J. Dolor Sit Am.},
    volume  = {2},
    pages   = {11--20},
    month   = {2},
    year    = {2012},

    author    = {J. Doe},
    title     = {Lorem Ipsum -- Complete Works},
    publisher = {{Dolor S. Amet and Sons}},
    year      = {2011},

The .tex file:


\section{Lorem Ipsum}
%Scan the bib file and print all @article entries in descending order here!

\section{Dolor sit Amet}

Best Answer

I think you want to use the type=<entrytype> option to \printbibliography (ยง 3.6.2 in the manual). E.g.:



\printbibliography[title=Articles, type=article]

\printbibliography[title={Conference Proceedings}, type=inproceedings]


Using the supplied bibliography items:

    author  = {J. Doe},
    title   = {Lorem Ipsum -- Part I},
    journal = {J. Dolor Sit Am.},
    volume  = {1},
    pages   = {1--10},
    month   = {1},
    year    = {2012},

    author  = {J. Doe},
    title   = {Lorem Ipsum -- Part II},
    journal = {J. Dolor Sit Am.},
    volume  = {2},
    pages   = {11--20},
    month   = {2},
    year    = {2012},

    author    = {J. Doe},
    title     = {Lorem Ipsum -- Complete Works},
    publisher = {{Dolor S. Amet and Sons}},
    year      = {2011},

\usepackage[backend=biber, sorting=nty, style=authoryear]{biblatex}

\printbibliography[title=Articles, type=article]
\printbibliography[title={Conference Proceedings}, type=inproceedings]
\printbibliography[title={Books}, type=book]

I get the two articles under 'Articles' and the one book under 'Books', while the nothing is printed under 'Conference Proceedings' (including even the section title).

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