[Tex/LaTex] Automatic referencing of item number in enumerate environment


Here is what I want:

enter image description here

And here is how I want to achieve this:

Just like you have the \label and \ref commands for automatic section number referencing, I wish to have something similar which will auto-reference the specific item number (1.2.1 in my case) without me having me explicitly write it out every time. This will be part of a big report I'm writing, hence I wish to make my work less cumbersome

Here is the code:



\item 1st item 
\item 1st nested item
\item 2nd nested item
\item Useful/Important Information
\item 2nd item

\noindent In this paragraph, I talk a bit about the Useful/Important Information and then reference the item number


Best Answer

I am used to enumitem than enumerate as it is newer and offers much more customizations. As an additional tool, I suggest the use of cleveref for clever referencing as in this code:

\usepackage{enumitem} %% for effortless customization of enumeration
\usepackage{hyperref} %% Just to provide clickable links
\usepackage{cleveref} %% for clever referencing
  \item{First item}
    \item{First nested item}
    \item{Second nested item}
        \item{Useful/important information} \label{item:myitem}
  \item{Second item item}

\noindent In this paragraph, I talk a bit about the Useful/Important Information and then reference the item number~(\ref{item:myitem}).

In this paragragh, I talk and the point to some information given in~\cref{item:myitem} (Using cref)


enter image description here

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