[Tex/LaTex] Automatic line breaks in path{} command


i use the \path{} command to print out a path to a directory in my *.tex File. I searched a lot around the internet to solve the problem to automatically linebreak the path-url.

I found some hints and maybe solutions, like \usepackage[hyphens]{url}, \setlength{\emergencystretch}{2pt} or


But non of them the solution i want. it work's with this solutions but sometimes i get to much space between the words before and after the path-url of the next line in text will not correctly break. The text gos over my defined textwidth. So i want a solution where the path-url breaks the word correctly to my selected babel language; for my work in german.

Here two example of some of my path-urls:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\AuthRoot
  • \%APPDATA\%\Microsoft\Crypto

Is there such a way? Or how can i get a superb, clean and good working url line break with using the path{} command? thanks!

Best Answer

Whether TeX can break the lines without over or underfull boxes is as much related to the paragraph settings as the url setting.##This shows several widths set raggedright with no overfull boxes.

enter image description here



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