[Tex/LaTex] Auto-hide Winedt Console


Is there anyway to make Winedt console invisible when you are writing the code, and when the compile starts the console shows the log and then disappears by itself? Also if there is an error it stays visible until the error is resolved?

I change the setting for pdflatex, but I am using windows console instead of winedt console. It works as I described above, except that you don't see anything if there is no error. This gives you an impression that it winedt freezes or taking more than normal as you don't see any activity when you start the compile. Here is a snapshot of the pdflatex setting:

enter image description here

I am wondering if there is anyway to make the compilation more like TeXStudio which just shows a just the compile command in the console, unless there is an error?

EDIT: It is funny! This is the issue:

Let's say we have a paragraph with the word "research" in it. Put a \ before the word research and compile. If you have this setting that has –quiet option and is pretty what I want (fast compilation without lot's of texts in the console if no error):

enter image description here

Ctrl+E does not get you to the real error that is \research no matter how many times you press Ctrl+E. But if you have this setting:

enter image description here

when you compile, it highlights \research with red color that is exactly true. Am I missing something here? or –quiet is doing something wrong?

Best Answer

The option to keep the WinEdt Console hidden and to show it only during the compilation is "Pause / Do not hide the Window".

When it is selected, the Console is always visible. When it is unselected, it does what you want.

I think the correct configuration you are looking for is the one in the picture below:

enter image description here