[Tex/LaTex] ArXiv/Problems with downloading source


Please, how do I download pure text source file from here? I'm running Windows 8 and do not have commant line with gunzip command. The connection with LaTeX and this site is that I want to open it in WinEdt 9, the latex editor.

EDIT I have now 2 files E53.tex and E53.bbl. HOWEVER this error occurs WHAT'S WRONG?:

Command Line: pdflatex.exe –interaction=errorstopmode –synctex=-1 "C:\Users\hynek0\Desktop\TH0dipl\E53.tex"
Startup Folder: C:\Users\hynek0\Desktop\TH0dipl

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (MiKTeX 2.9 64-bit)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2014/05/01>
Babel <3.9l> and hyphenation patterns for 68 languages loaded.

AmS-TeX- Version 2.2

Loading definitions for misc utility macros, page layout, accents/punctuation,
line and page breaks, figures, comments, math spacing, fractions,
smash commands, large operator symbols, integrals, operator names,
! Undefined control sequence.
l.474 \buffer@\fontdimen13 \tenex


Best Answer

  1. Download the .tar.gz file by clicking the link 'Download source' (under the heading 'Source').
  2. Go to the location of the downloaded source, it will be named '0903.3428'. In the File Explorer, go to View, and make sure you have the "File name extensions" checkbox ticked. Rename the downloaded file to '09033428.tar.gz'.
  3. Use your favourite archive program to extract 09033428.tar.gz - 7-Zip will do the job.
  4. Enjoy your tex source!