[Tex/LaTex] Arrows between a list and a picture in beamer


How can I draw arrows between an item in an itemize environment and spots
on a picture using tikz?



 \frametitle{frame title}

    \begin{block}{block title}
        \item <1-> stone
        \item <2-> more stones
        \item <3-> water


I want to achieve something like this:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

The solution I found:


\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]
\tikzstyle{na} = [baseline=-.5ex]
 \frametitle{frame title}

    \begin{block}{block title}<1-5>
        \item <1-| alert@2> stone\,\tikz[na] \coordinate (Lstone);
        \item <1-| alert@3> more stones\,\tikz[na] \coordinate (Lmorestones);
        \item <1-| alert@4> water\,\tikz[na] \coordinate (Lwater);
            \node [inner sep=0pt,above right]{
    \path (1.45,1.1) coordinate (stone);
    \path (3.45,1.1) coordinate (morestone);
    \path (3.5,2.6) coordinate (water);
     % \end{figure}

        \draw<2> [thin, red,opacity=.8, fill=red,fill opacity=0.3](stone) circle (4pt);
        \path<2>[->,>=latex', red, shorten >=4pt, opacity=.6] (Lstone) edge [out=0, in=130] (stone);

        \draw<3> [thin, red,opacity=.8, fill=red,fill opacity=0.3](morestone) circle (4pt);
        \path<3>[->, >=latex', red, shorten >=4pt, opacity=.6] (Lmorestones) edge [out=0, in=150] (morestone);

        \draw<4> [thin, red,opacity=.8, fill=red,fill opacity=0.3](water) circle (4pt);
        \path<4>[->,>=latex',red, shorten >=4pt, opacity=.6] (Lwater) edge [out=0, in=200] (water);



There are some issues i have to play with, to become more elegant: Setting nodes in relation to the picture; at the moment I will have to re-coordinate the nodes if I change the picture size. And I don't like the "shorten solution" for the arrows because i have to change the value manually if I change the diameter of the circle.