[Tex/LaTex] \arraybackslash doing on the table column


The \arraybackslash was used on answer table at How to auto adjust my last table column width, and why is there Underfull \vbox badness on this table?







    \caption{Formatação do texto}
    \label{tab:a_table_formatacao_de_texto} \\

    \multicolumn{2}{c}{\tablename~\thetable: Formatação do texto (continued)} \\

    \multicolumn{2}{r}{\footnotesize to be continued}


    Cor                          & Branco -                              \\ \hline
    Formato do papel             & A5                                    \\ \hline
    Gramatura                    & 75                                    \\ \hline
    Cabeçalho                    & 0,7                                   \\ \hline
    Impressão                    & Frente e verso                        \\ \hline
    Margens                      & Espelhadas: superior 2, Inferior: 1,5 \\ \hline
    Cabeçalho                    & 0,7                                   \\ \hline
    Rodapé                       & 0,7                                   \\ \hline
    Paginação                    & Externa                               \\ \hline
    Alinhamento vertical         & Superior                              \\ \hline
    Cabeçalho                    & 0,7                                   \\ \hline
    Alinhamento do texto         & Justificado                           \\ \hline
    Cor                          & Branco -                              \\ \hline
    Formato do papel             & A5                                    \\ \hline
    Cabeçalho                    & 0,7                                   \\ \hline
    Gramatura                    & 75                                    \\ \hline
    Impressão                    & Frente e verso                        \\ \hline
    Margens                      & Espelhadas: superior 2, Inferior: 1,5 \\ \hline
    Rodapé                       & 0,7                                   \\ \hline
    Paginação                    & Externa                               \\ \hline
    Alinhamento vertical         & Superior                              \\ \hline
    Alinhamento do texto         & Justificado                           \\ \hline



enter image description here

On the question Difference between \\ and \tabularnewline there is some explaining about it:

\arraybackslash: Restore \\ for use in array and tabular
environment (after \raggedright etc.).


Why \\ is broken by \raggedright and these etc other commands?

Reading the line \def\arraybackslash{\let\\\tabularnewline} seems the \\ is being redefined as \tabularnewline, does \raggedright and these etc other commands redefine it as something else, why?

Does I need to put \arraybackslash only on my last table column? What happens if I do not put it or put on/only a middle column or put on every column?

Best Answer

As with almost everything in TeX, control sequences (macros and control words) can be redefined, and because local grouping allows for local redefinition, the definitions of macros within a particular environment can be different from the definitions outside of that environment. This is the case of \\, which has multiple definitions depending on the environment.

In normal text, \\ is defined as:

\let \reserved@e \relax \let \reserved@f \relax \@ifstar 
 {\let \reserved@e \vadjust \let \reserved@f \nobreak \@xnewline }

Inside a tabular environment, it is defined as:


which expands to:

 {\ifnum 0=`}\fi \@ifstar \@xtabularcr \@xtabularcr

Inside a raggedright environment, \\ is redefined to be


which expands to:

 \ifhmode \unskip \else \@nolnerr \fi \par \@ifstar {\nobreak \@xcentercr }\@xcentercr

Since these definitions are different, after using a \raggedright environment in a tabular you need to use \arraybackslash to restore it to its tabular definition.

In addition to the question you linked to, see also: