[Tex/LaTex] Arrange multiple graphics inside a subfloat


I'm using the subfig package to arrange multiple graphics inside a figure. I'm trying to arrange two graphics vertically inside a subfloat but keep getting an error. I'd like the figures to be arranged something like this:

 _____   _____
|_____| |     |
 _____  |     |
|_____| |_____|
  (a)     (b)

But when I try

    \includegraphics{graph1} \\

I get the error Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item. If I remove the linebreak inside the subfloat the error goes away but then my figures aren't arranged right. How should I be doing this?

Best Answer

Here's one option using the subfigure environment from the subcaption package and taking advantage of the optional arguments for the environment (the same as those for a minipage); depending on the actual size of your images, you might need to adjust some lengths: :



\caption{Two small subfigures}
\caption{A large subfigure}
\caption{three subfigures}


enter image description here

The demo option for graphicx simply replaces actual figures with black rectangles; do not use that option in your actual document.

And here's an option using the subfig package and some minipages:



\subfloat[Two small subfigures]{%

\subfloat[A larger subfigure]{\begin{minipage}[b][6.5cm][t]{.3\textwidth}
\caption{three subfigures}


enter image description here

You can box the larger image and measure its height to use this value for the minipages height. The mechanism is explained in Aligning 3 images square in a box

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