[Tex/LaTex] Arithmetic overflow error using custom theme in pdfLaTex


I am attempting to compile a 70 frame beamer presentation in TeXworks (on Ubuntu 11.10). The theme I am using is called beamer-goddard (located at the bottom of This Page) .
When I compile I receive this console error:

! Arithmetic overflow.
\goddard@progressbar ... by \goddard@temp@count@a 
                                                  \divide \goddard@temp@dime...

as well as this LaTeX error:

Package hyperref Warning: Option `pdfpagelabels' is turned off
(hyperref) because \thepage is undefined.

 \setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]{}


 \newcommand{\parameter}[1]{\textlangle #1\textrangle}

 \lstset{basicstyle=\ttfamily,keywordstyle\color{goddardblue}               \bfseries,commentstyle=\color{goddardblue!75}\itshape,columns=flexible}



I am guessing some values may need to be modified in the \divide portion of the goddard@theme.

Best Answer

without a working example (or a working installation of that theme) this is untested but I assume that error comes from this bit of code

  % No draw if there is only one slide
    % Compute the width of the filled part of the progress bar
    \advance\goddard@temp@count@a by -1
    \advance\goddard@temp@count@b by -1
    \multiply\goddard@temp@dimen@a by \goddard@temp@count@a
    \divide\goddard@temp@dimen@a by \goddard@temp@count@b



If so it's multiplying and dividing by two numbers but overflowing, so you need to rescale the problem (in a local redefinition of \goddard@progressbar.

Without following the code closely making it automatically scale to keep within numeric limits might be hard but you can insert a scaling suitable for this job, try say 100

  % No draw if there is only one slide
    % Compute the width of the filled part of the progress bar
    \advance\goddard@temp@count@a by -1
    \advance\goddard@temp@count@b by -1
              \divide\goddard@temp@dimen@a  by 100
    \multiply\goddard@temp@dimen@a by \goddard@temp@count@a
    \divide\goddard@temp@dimen@a by \goddard@temp@count@b
              \multiply\goddard@temp@dimen@a  by 100
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