[Tex/LaTex] ! Argument of \@Aboxed has an extra }


I have a problem using \Aboxed in the following align*-environment:

\omega(\sigma_{ij}) &\equiv 1 - \left(\frac{27J_3}{2\sigma_e^3}\right)^2 \\
& = \omega(L) = 1 - \frac{\left( 9L - L^3\right)^2}{\left(L^2+3\right)^3}. 

I want to use \Aboxed to put the last part of the final equation in a box, i.e.

\omega(\sigma_{ij}) &\equiv 1 - \left(\frac{27J_3}{2\sigma_e^3}\right)^2 \\
& = \Aboxed{ \omega(L) = 1 - \frac{\left( 9L - L^3\right)^2}{\left(L^2+3\right)^3}. }

This gives me the error message in the title. However, using \Aboxed in the upper equation of the align* doesn't cause any problems at all. I've also used \Aboxed in the last equation of other align*'s and align's in my document. What causes the error in this case?

Best Answer

\Aboxed (From mathtools) is designed to put a box across an alignment point (Refer mathtools documentation, section- 3.4.5, page 18). Hence,

\Aboxed{\omega(\sigma_{ij}) &\equiv 1 - \left(\frac{27J_3}{2\sigma_e^3}\right)^2 }\

works. The \Aboxed command is defined as (from mathtools.sty)


Hence, when you use \Aboxed, TeX will greedily look for an & (alignment character) and when it is not found, an error is returned.

If you want a box only for a portion without an alignment point inside, you can use boxed (basically from amsmath and mathtools loads amsmath also) as

& = \boxed{ \omega(L) = 1 - \frac{\left( 9L - L^3\right)^2}{\left(L^2+3\right)^3}. }

The boxed command is defined as (from amsmath.sty)


which does not have any concern for the alignment character &. (Hence it will not work across &.)

Conclusion: If you want a box to cross through an alignment point, use \Aboxed. On the other hand, if the box is for only a portion without alignment point, use \boxed

Complete MWE will be:


\Aboxed{\omega(\sigma_{ij}) &\equiv 1 - \left(\frac{27J_3}{2\sigma_e^3}\right)^2 }\\
& = \boxed{ \omega(L) = 1 - \frac{\left( 9L - L^3\right)^2}{\left(L^2+3\right)^3}. }


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