[Tex/LaTex] Argument in Discrete Mathematics


This is my code:

$P(1)$ \\
$P(1)$ \\
$\forall n \in \N ((P(n) \land P(n+1) \implies P(n+2))$ \\
$\forall n \in \N (P(n))$ \\

It looks like this:

Pic 1

I want it to look like this:

Pic 2

So my question really is, how can I align each line to the left within the tabular. Alternatively, is there a package just for this? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Alternatively, is there a package just for this?

Yes, I believe ebproof really fits the bill.

    \infer[no rule]1{&P(2)}
    \infer[no rule]1{&\forall n \in \mathbf{N} ((P(n) \land P(n+1) \implies P(n+2))}
    \infer1{& \therefore \forall n \in \mathbf{N} (P(n))}

The & character is here to tune the alignment, there is no need to explicitly declare the math. environment, and the package is flexible enough to accommodate multiple variations.

As a side note, you can get the therefore symbol using other techniques.

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