[Tex/LaTex] Are the TeX Gyre fonts designed to match each other


I'm currently testing out some fonts and found out that some fonts are designed to match each other (good serif+sans-serif+typewriter combinations).

Are the TeX Gyre fonts, which provide at leats one for each type (serif, sans-serif, typewriter) are designed to be used together?

Best Answer

For the sake of closing the question, here is a summary of the comments:

No, the TeX Gyre fonts are not meant to be used together. They are just a high quality Type1 and OpenType replacement of standard fonts that used to be provided by the URW collection in Type1.

The TeX Gyre collection of fonts consists of:

TeX Gyre font        Original font             Old URW replacement font
TeX Gyre Adventor    ITC Avant Garde Gothic    URW Gothic L
TeX Gyre Bonum       ITC Bookman               URW Bookman L
TeX Gyre Chorus      ITC Zapf Chancery         URW Chancery L Medium Italic
TeX Gyre Cursor      Courier                   URW Nimbus Mono L
TeX Gyre Heros       Helvetica                 URW Nimbus Sans L
TeX Gyre Pagella     Palatino                  URW Palladio L
TeX Gyre Schola      Century Schoolbook        URW Century Schoolbook L
TeX Gyre Termes      Times (New) Roman         URW Nimbus Roman No9 L

As the original fonts that the TeX Gyre collection replaces were not designed to be used together, the TeX Gyre fonts themselves can't be expected to be designed for that purpose.

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