[Tex/LaTex] APS formt – how to include email id of all authors


How to include email id of all Authors but the first Author is the primary contact. Both the Authors belong to the same department and same university. Also, I want ot know for another paper, how to make the second Author as the primary contact. So, the primary contact appears as *.
With the following code, I am not getting the email id. What is the correct format? Thank you

\usepackage{bm}        % for math
\usepackage{verbatim}   % for math
\newcommand{\revtex}{REV\TeX\ }
\usepackage {extarrows}

\title{Tips for delicious cooking for graduate student life}%

\author{Stressed student 1}%,
 \author{Stressed student 1}
\date{June xx, 2017}%
This document shares some tips for cost effective living and budget friendly delicious healthy food.
\section{I. Introduction}



Best Answer

Just place a \email after each author with the appropriate address (the same way one would handle distinct affiliations).




\date{June 29, 2017}


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