[Tex/LaTex] Appendix on multiple pages: add the title “(Continued)”


I have realized a Latex document that holds two appendices. They are both included as .tex files.

The first appendix, APPENDIX A, is one page long (and it is fine).
The second, APPENDIX B, is several pages long and I need on each of the pages after the first one to insert a title stating: APPENDIX B (Continued).

Unfortunately, Latex only puts the APPENDIX B title on the first page of this second appendix but on the remaining ones there is no title.
I have tried to play with the \appendix command but I couldn't figure out a viable solution. Do you have any idea?
Thank you in advance!


Best Answer

I used the article class and faked the inclusion of the appendix sections/chapters by directly writting them into the main file. The second appendix got some label, which is referred to using the \fancyhead command from fancyhdr package. The definition of a apppages (appendix pages) style is quite useful here. Afterwards, the pagestyle is switched back to plain


\fancyhead[LE,RO]{\appendixname~\ref{appendix::b} (continued)}

\section{First section}

\section{First appendix}
\section{Second appendix} \label{appendix::b} 
\clearpage % Clear the page 
\section{Other appendix}


enter image description here

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