[Tex/LaTex] Appendices title before list of appendices

appendiceskoma-scripttable of contents

My table of contents has the following form:

1. Foo ............................. 1
2. Boo ............................. 2
A. something 1 ..................... 3
B. something 2 ..................... 4

But I would like it to look the following way:

1. Foo ............................. 1
2. Boo ............................. 2
A. something 1 ..................... 3
B. something 2 ..................... 4

I use scrbook if it makes a difference.

Best Answer

With KOMA-Script you can use:


Update: If you want the Title apendices also print as own page you can use:


\phantomsection                            % hyperref jumps to this point
\chapter*{Appendices}\label{sec:Anhang}    % no entry in toc
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendices} % entry in toc without numbering

Update 2: To get Appendicesin the table of contents without pagenumbering use:


Update 3: To be sure that you get no numbering for the page in the table of contents you can use this "brute force":

\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline {chapter}{Appendices}{}{}}
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