[Tex/LaTex] Apostrophes not displaying under Mac OS


This is the MacOS's Texshop disappearing apostrophe problem.

% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

is added to the document preamble.

Within the program:

Preferences=>Source is set to UTF8.

Preferences=>Misc has pTex support unchecked (this solved the problem for many, but not for me.


Edit=>Substitutions none are checked.

I have tried ' and ’ (prime and option-shift-right bracket) but the latter should always yield apostrophes but it doesn't.


% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\usepackage[normalem]{ulem}  %for strikeout text
\usepackage{idxlayout} %%to fix issues with index



Joe’s shoes are missing. 
So are Sam's.
The person's shoes.


Best Answer

I had this exact problem recently! I tried two things:

  1. I added \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}, with no success. I tried another, related package approach, but had no luck with that, either.
  2. I manually replaced the offending apostrophes with ones I typed freshly. This worked. To make this more efficient, you might consider doing a find-and-replace. This worked!

I also used XeLaTeX instead of LaTeX, for a related issue. It might be that if I had just used XeLaTeX from the beginning, I wouldn't have needed to manually fix all those apostrophes.

Lastly, the plural of apostrophe is apostrophes, without the apostrophe-s. ;)

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