[Tex/LaTex] Annotate figure with a text box and and arrow


There exists a really good prototype for the question I'm asking. Having a look at it will be easier to understand the problem.

How would we add "Note" in a box, and have an arrow pointing to the top of the tower?

Something similar to this

enter image description here

This seems to help, but it creates a LONG box, which doesn't make it clear on beamer.




\node [anchor=west] (note) at (6.0,4) {

\node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0] (image) at (0,0) {\includegraphics[scale=0.15]{graphs/test.pdf}};
    \begin{scope}[x={(image.south east)},y={(image.north west)}]
        \draw [-latex, ultra thick, red] (note) to[out=0, in=90] (0.68,0.70);
        %\draw[blue,thick,rounded corners] (0.2,1.0) rectangle (0.1,0.15);

Best Answer

You can add a node with some text in it to an arrow. Hopefully this will get you started. If not, please provide a minimum working example.



    \draw[->, thick] node[draw, text width=3cm, above] 
         {Enter your text here. Adjust the \texttt{text width} to change the size of the box.} 
         (0,0)--++(0, -2);


enter image description here