[Tex/LaTex] Animate an airplane in Beamer


For my (beamer) presentation (relating to airplanes) I want an animation of an airplane. I was hoping there would be a way for the airplane to move across the screen (or any other motion will do as well ). For instance, see 09:45 in this video moving airplane in powerpoint The airplane can look like this , feel free to include any image of airplane.

This is all I have right now (a simple image of airplane in beamer template)

    \title{Beamer Example}
    \subject{Presentation Programs} 
    \institute[ University]{
        Department of XZ\\

Best Answer

Example using Fontawesome plane (click on the image to see animation):

Update: The Beamer part, to fulfill the request completely.

To become independent from Adobe products, the whole presentation can be made in SVG format (Click to start presentation, F11 for full-screen, navigate with PgUp and PgDown; a Blink-based browser [Chromium, Chrome, Opera] may be needed for the background gradient to be rendered correctly):

Standalone animation LaTeX input:

Update: example extended (softer take-off and landing) and improved (node placing along path, as shown by user @Hafid).

\documentclass{standalone}                    % animated PDF
%\documentclass[dvisvgm,preview]{standalone}  % animated SVG: latex + dvisvgm --font-format=woff --bbox=preview --zoom=-1  
%\documentclass[export]{standalone}           % multipage PDF

\let\fpEval\fp_eval:n % expandable flt-point calculation with L3

                 \coordinate (a)  at (110:15); \coordinate (b)  at (70:15);
                 \node [anchor=north east] at (a) {A}; \node [anchor=north west] at (b) {B};
                 \useasboundingbox (a) node [anchor=north east] {A} arc [start angle=110,end angle=70,radius=15] (b) node [anchor=north west] {B};},
      \path[draw] (a) arc [start angle=110,end angle=70,radius=15] (b) node [pos=\fpEval{0.5*(1-cosd(180*\iPos/160))},sloped,rotate=-45]{\faPlane};
      \path[draw] (a) arc [start angle=110,end angle=70,radius=15] (b) node [pos=1,sloped,rotate=-\iAng]{\faPlane};
      \path[draw] (a) arc [start angle=110,end angle=70,radius=15] (b) node [pos=\fpEval{0.5*(1+cosd(180*\iPos/160))},sloped,rotate=135]{\faPlane};
      \path[draw] (a) arc [start angle=110,end angle=70,radius=15] (b) node [pos=0,sloped,rotate=\iAng]{\faPlane};

Presentation (beamer-class ) LaTeX input. Compile with

latex presentation.tex
latex presentation.tex
dvisvgm --font-format=woff --bbox=papersize --zoom=-1 -p1,- presentation

\let\fpEval\fp_eval:n % expandable flt-point calculation with L3

% PageDown, PageUp key event handling; navigation symbols
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
      <script type="text/javascript">
        document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e){
          }else if(e.key=='PageUp'){

\title{Fasten Seat Belts}
\subtitle{Use a Web browser and press \framebox{F11}}



                 \coordinate (a)  at (110:15); \coordinate (b)  at (70:15);
                 \node [anchor=north east] at (a) {A}; \node [anchor=north west] at (b) {B};
                 \useasboundingbox (a) node [anchor=north east] {A} arc [start angle=110,end angle=70,radius=15] (b) node [anchor=north west] {B};},
      \path[draw] (a) arc [start angle=110,end angle=70,radius=15] (b) node [pos=\fpEval{0.5*(1-cosd(180*\iPos/160))},sloped,rotate=-45]{\faPlane};
      \path[draw] (a) arc [start angle=110,end angle=70,radius=15] (b) node [pos=1,sloped,rotate=-\iAng]{\faPlane};
      \path[draw] (a) arc [start angle=110,end angle=70,radius=15] (b) node [pos=\fpEval{0.5*(1+cosd(180*\iPos/160))},sloped,rotate=135]{\faPlane};
      \path[draw] (a) arc [start angle=110,end angle=70,radius=15] (b) node [pos=0,sloped,rotate=\iAng]{\faPlane};
