TikZ Animal Icons – How to Create


I have gone through the comprehensive symbols in LaTeX that provides some animals icons but not enough for fun documents. One of my math questions requires the illustration as follows, which is a repeated list of ducks and turtles:

enter image description here

Could you help to draw these animals using Tikz?

Best Answer

There's already code on the site for drawing ducks. Hence, only the turtle remains to be done. I hope turtles are sufficiently like tortoises for a tortoise to pass muster:


Adjust the colours to your taste.

crwbanod lliwiol

\colorlet{lliw symbolau cefndir}{DarkSlateBlue}
  pics/crwban/.style n args={2}{
      \path [fill=#1, draw=#1, double=lliw symbolau cefndir, line width=.025*#2, double distance=.01*#2, pic actions]
      [out=-20, in=-160] to coordinate [pos=.15] (troed1a) coordinate [pos=.2] (troed1b)  coordinate [pos=.3] (troed1d) coordinate [pos=.65] (troed2a) coordinate [pos=.7] (troed2b) coordinate [pos=.8] (troed2e) coordinate [pos=.85] (troed2d) coordinate [pos=.9] (crwb4) (.25*#2,-.2*#2)
      [out=20, in=-90] to (.3*#2,-.15*#2) coordinate (crwb3)
      [out=90, in=20] to coordinate [pos=.5] (crwb5) (.25*#2,-.1*#2) coordinate (crwb2)
      [out=-160, in=-20] to (-.5*#2,-.1*#2) coordinate (crwb1)
      [out=160, in=90] to (-.55*#2,-.15*#2)
      [out=-90, in=160] to cycle
      [out=75, in=180] to coordinate (crwb6) (-.125*#2,.25*#2)
      [out=0, in=105] to (crwb2)
      [out=-160, in=-20] to cycle
      [out=-15, in=-70] to (.55*#2,.1*#2)
      [out=110, in=0] to (.5*#2,.125*#2)
      [out=180, in=75] to (.45*#2,.1*#2)
      [out=-105, in=15] to (crwb5)
      [out=-135, in=-170] to ++(.125*#2,-.1*#2)
      [out=10, in=-20] to coordinate (troed1c) ++(-.05*#2,.05*#2)
      [out=160, in=-80] to (troed1b)
      [out=-135, in=10] to ++(.05*#2,-.05*#2)
      [out=-170, in=-20] to (troed1c)
      [out=-135, in=-170] to ++(.125*#2,-.1*#2)
      [out=10, in=-20] to  ++(-.05*#2,.05*#2)
      [out=160, in=-80] to (troed2b)
      [out=-135, in=-170] to ++(.105*#2,-.09*#2)
      [out=10, in=-20] to  ++(-.05*#2,.05*#2)
      [out=160, in=-80] to (troed2d)
      \path [draw=lliw symbolau cefndir, line cap=round, line join=round, line width=.01*#2]
      (crwb6) ++(0,-.025*#2)
      [out=-100, in=80] to coordinate (crwb13) ($(crwb1)!1/2!(crwb2) - (0,.04*#2)$)
      (crwb6) ++(.01*#2,-.025*#2)
      [out=-35, in=120] to coordinate (crwb11) ($(crwb1)!3/4!(crwb2) - (0,.02*#2)$)
      (crwb6) ++(-.01*#2,-.025*#2)
      [out=-145, in=60] to coordinate (crwb12) ($(crwb1)!1/4!(crwb2) - (0,.02*#2)$)
      (crwb6) ++(-.02*#2,-.015*#2)
      [out=-175, in=45] to coordinate [pos=.5] (crwb7) coordinate (crwb8) ($(crwb1)!1/9!(crwb2) + (0,.1*#2)$)
      (crwb6) ++(.02*#2,-.015*#2)
      [out=-5, in=135] to  coordinate [pos=.5] (crwb9) coordinate (crwb10) ($(crwb1)!8/9!(crwb2) + (0,.1*#2)$)
      (crwb7) ++(-.015*#2,.025*#2) [out=-35, in=170] to ($(crwb9) + (.05*#2,-.025*#2)$)
      (crwb8) ++(-.01*#2,-.005*#2) [out=15, in=-170] to ($(crwb10) + (.005*#2,0)$)
      [out=-100, in=-160] to (crwb12)
      [out=20, in=170] to (crwb13)
      [out=-10, in=170] to (crwb11)
      [out=-10, in=-80] to (crwb10)
  \pic at (3.1,0) {crwban={DarkSlateGrey}{10pt}};
  \pic at (2.5,0) {crwban={DarkSlateGrey}{20pt}};
  \pic at (1.55,0) {crwban={DarkSlateGrey}{30pt}};
  \pic at (.25,0) {crwban={DarkSlateGrey}{40pt}};
  \pic at (-1.5,0) {crwban={DarkSlateGrey}{50pt}};
\colorlet{lliw symbolau cefndir}{white}
  \pic at (4,0) {crwban={Crimson}{25pt}};
  \pic at (3,0) {crwban={Gold}{25pt}};
  \pic at (2,0) {crwban={MediumTurquoise}{25pt}};
  \pic at (0,0) {crwban={Green}{25pt}};
  \pic at (1,0) {crwban={DodgerBlue}{25pt}};