[Tex/LaTex] An extensive list of LaTeX symbols and Unicode equivalents


The first two columns of the table here (partly reproduced below) is exactly what I'm looking for, but I'd like a more extensive list.

I want the unicode symbols to be in unicode symbols, and not as images or anything else.

Symbol TeX

¬ \neg

± \pm

· \cdot

→ \to

⇒ \Rightarrow

⇔ \Leftrightarrow

∀ \forall

∂ \partial

etc. But I want as many as possible.

Best Answer

I found one here: https://github.com/joom/latex-unicoder.vim/blob/master/autoload/unicoder.vim. It's quite usable. A glimpse:

\ '\upepsilon'                  : 'ε',
\ '\zeta'                       : 'ζ',
\ '\eta'                        : 'η',
\ '\theta'                      : 'θ',
\ '\iota'                       : 'ι',
\ '\kappa'                      : 'κ',
\ '\lambda'                     : 'λ',
\ '\mu'                         : 'μ',
\ '\nu'                         : 'ν',
\ '\xi'                         : 'ξ',
\ '\upomicron'                  : 'ο',
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