[Tex/LaTex] An environment for setting \emergencystretch locally


The following environment, copied from this website about dealing with overfull hboxes, allows one to change the \tolerance parameter for just the paragraph(s) it encloses:


Unfortunately, the website does not specify a similar environment for locally changing \emergencystretch. Since much of the code in the definition above (notably, the commands \par and \relax) is currently outside my understanding, I would not know how to go about making a similar environment for locally setting \emergencystretch–but I'm sure someone on TeX.SE would know.

How would one write an environment that changes the value of \emergencystretch locally (and makes sure the changes get applied)?

Best Answer

Change \tolerance to \emergencystretch and pass in a length rather than a number.

\par means end of paragraph and is same as a blank line. \relax is a primitive command which does nothing but it stops the scan for a number in case the text started with a digit.

\tolerance=1\relax 2 is ...

sets tolerance to 1 and typesets a 2 but without the \relax or a space then

 \tolerance=12 is..

would set it to 12 and not typeset the 2.

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