[Tex/LaTex] Alternatives to Overleaf (i.e. instant TeX compiling without sign in)


The best thing about Overleaf V1 was that I could log into it without an account. This made it possible to share things with people who most likely wouldn't be big TEX users and to whom the idea of working in "code" is scary.

Now having a login, any login, is a impediment for this. If I can show them to the result and TEX markup side by side then I have a chance, however small, for them to read it and see that it's not that fancy.

So my question is is there a workable alternative to the new Overleaf? A tool that has no login requirements, so that I can directly link to the source to updating result view, with edit support for casual users coming in the first time. And with no confusing login requirements, not even ones you can circumvent.

Best Answer

Log date April 2019 (ever changing market)

Bigger players once they reach a certain point (success) do not want the headaches associated with random demo users so I will simply mention those currently failing into that category such as Overleaf, Authorea, CoCalc and Datazar. All seem to have a large enough freemium/paying customer base.

There is a separate "Big List" which includes other online products such as Google Docx2LaTeX, Verbosus and similar browser plug-ins that either require installation or handing over personal details for basic entry.

This answer (A "Small" List) is confined to current online with free access editor/compilers without a dependency on any install. Equally to be listed here there must be no mandatory registration e.g. social account for basic entry (although logins are sometimes common for "added" features / packages).

It is the smaller freemium players that are left behind trying to get a better share of the market.

Currently only a few TeX Live without registration landing page editors are still active. My fist test is will they run multiple classes such as including Beamer, without sign in.

1) Main contender, Papeeria (good spellchecking, autocomplete editor with most packages available) https://papeeria.com/ (TeX Live default 2015 but can opt to use 2016)

2) TutorialsPoint have good support for packages such as beamer but less editor features, note heavily biased towards user hitting adverts (CodingGround serving Tex Live 2016) https://www.tutorialspoint.com/online_latex_editor.php

3) uni-halle Very spartan interface but can produce beamer 10 image presentations etc. https://latex.informatik.uni-halle.de/latex-online/latex.php

4) Tex Viewer, Editor (2015+ Version Multiple UTF-8 language formats supports Beamer) https://texviewer.herokuapp.com/

5) TeXonWeb (Jan Prichystal's older 2011 Tex Live. Limited to basic (La)TeX formats but does include Beamer class) https://tex.mendelu.cz/en/

Also Ran

https://latexbase.com/ (Limited number of Main Packages e.g. `beamer.cls' not found however can work in offline mode

Troy Henderson's
http://www.tlhiv.org/ltxpreview/ (more recent limited range of 2017 packages) and MetaPost previewer http://www.tlhiv.org/mppreview/

There is a very up-to-date (LuaTeX, Version 1.10.0 (TeX Live 2019) ConTeXt online compiler at https://live.contextgarden.net/

Hybrids (can switch from simplistic equation editor to Latex syntax) In minimal or full latex mode will require \documentclass{} but may be limited to PNG rather than PDF output

https://www.latex4technics.com/ (older packages may fail, good for simple PNG output) http://sciencesoft.at/latex/?lang=en (can store tex and pdf online for sharing)
http://sciencesoft.at/latex/index?ochem=true&lang=en (specialist OCHEM-LaTeX)

Smaller equation editors (some possibly should be included above ?)

CodeCogs Equation Editor https://www.codecogs.com/latex/eqneditor.php
Interactive LaTeX Editor https://arachnoid.com/latex/

Noteworthy (thanks to @sebastiano) Conversion from Latex to MathML https://www.mathtowebonline.com/

To be continued...