Blindtext – Alternatives to ‘Lorem Ipsum’


Are there any alternative filler text packages besides lorem ipsum and blindtext? There seem to be a lot for the web, but I can't find any LaTeX packages and searching “alternatives to lorem ipsum” here does not return an answer.

Edit: An English language package would be helpful. So would a Spanish language package. "ptext" is Farsi/Persian, but my computer is not right to left enabled. I just wondered what alternatives might be out there in the TEx world considering the wealth of html alternatives.

Best Answer

One of the problems I had found with lipsum was that \lipsum provides formatting for its paragraphs (\pars, etc.). For a number of applications where you want to test a macro that manipulates plain text, it would be nice to be able to get lipsum text without the formatting.

So I contacted the author, and he was gracious enough to provide me with the following code (\singlelipsum{}), which provides just the text of a single lipsum paragraph, without any paragraph formatting.

  \begingroup\let\lips@par\relax\csname lipsum@\@roman{#1}\endcsname
\endgroup }

Perhaps this would satisy your particular need, which was unstated in your question.

As noted in the comments to this answer, there is a \lipsum* macro (or alternately a [nopar] package option) which will suppress the terminating \par on lipsum paragraph outputs. HOWEVER, \lipsum* and \singlelipsum are not identical. Here is an MWE which shows it:

  \begingroup\let\lips@par\relax\csname lipsum@\@roman{#1}\endcsname
\endgroup }

As it is given, it compiles. But if you uncomment the second to last line, which is nominally similar to the third to last line, it breaks the code.