[Tex/LaTex] Alternative subequations numbering and references


I know how to have a set of equations numbered as subequations:


Some text here 
        y_1 &= f_1(x) \label{eq:first} \\
        y_2 &= f_2(x) \label{eq:second} \\
        y_3 &= f_3(x) \label{eq:third}
\dots and now I can reference the full set as equations~(\ref{eq:full})
and for example the first as equation~(\ref{eq:first}). 


which gives:

Subequations as output

Is it possible to have the equations labeled as in the following make-up:

fake make up

…and make the references to the single equations stay the same? (Or maybe change the "global" one to 1a--c, not sure).

Best Answer

It's possible to do it, but the name I gave to the environment should clear up my opinion about it. ;-)




Some text here 
  y_1 &= f_1(x) \label{eq:first} \\
  y_2 &= f_2(x) \label{eq:second} \\
  y_3 &= f_3(x) \label{eq:third}
\dots and now I can reference the full set as equations~(\ref{eq:full})
and for example the first as equation~(\ref{eq:first}). 

Some text here 
  y_1 &= f_1(x) \label{eq:first+} \\
  y_2 &= f_2(x) \label{eq:second+} \\
  y_3 &= f_3(x) \label{eq:third+} \\
  y_4 &= f_4(x) \label{eq:fourth+}
\dots and now I can reference the full set as equations~(\ref{eq:full+})
and for example the first as equation~(\ref{eq:first+}). 


Beware that, as the code stands, the global label is mandatory.

enter image description here