Biblatex – Altering Date Format in References


I am still working on formatting my references according to my department’s standard. I am currently trying to alter a date format but failing.

I need:

30. Sept. 2003.

Yet anything I do doesn’t seem to have any influence. Find attached a MWE:


%% Here are my tries.


\AtEveryBibitem{\clearlist{language}} % clears language
\AtEveryBibitem{\clearfield{note}}    % clears notes
\AtEveryBibitem{\clearfield{series}}   % clears Series


and a .bib-extract:

    Author = {{Secr{\'e}tariat {\`a} la politique linguistique Qu{\'e}bec}},
    Date-Modified = {2014-08-03 17:01:54 +0000},
    File = {Dynamique des langues en quelques chiffres \: Tableaux - Secr{\'e}tariat {\`a} la politique linguistique.pdf:/Users/Moritz/Desktop/Dynamique des langues en quelques chiffres \: Tableaux - Secr{\'e}tariat {\`a} la politique linguistique.pdf:application/pdf},
    Month = jul,
    Title = {La dynamique des langues en quelques chiffres : Tableaux},
    Urldate = {2014-07-28},
    Year = {2014}}][1]

Here’s my not-perfect output

Best Answer

Biblatex offers different options to format a date. If the format is not a predefined one, it is possible to use \DeclareFieldFormat to provide a now format, in this case we can provide a format for urldate


To use the abbreviated version for the month one can use the dateabbrev option of biblatex.

enter image description here

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