[Tex/LaTex] Alphadin BibTeX: DOI displayed twice


I'm not quite sure how to explain my problem. Please telle if you need more information. My document is very large and has a lot of settings. I'm using TeXnicCenter with the BibTex-Compiler 2.8. When I'm constructing the PDF (LaTeX->DviPS->PS2PDF), I'm getting this:

enter image description here

The BibTex-entry:

 author = {Agrawal, Motilal and Konolige, Kurt and Blas, Morten Rufus},
 title = {{C}en{S}ur{E}: {C}enter {S}urround {E}xtremas for {R}ealtime {F}eature {D}etection and {M}atching},
 pages = {102--115},
 volume = {5305},
 publisher = {Springer},
 isbn = {978-3-540-88692-1},
 series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
 editor = {Forsyth, David and Torr, Philip and Zisserman, Andrew},
 booktitle = {{C}omputer {V}ision -- {E}{C}{C}{V} 2008},
 year = {2008},
 address = {Berlin und Heidelberg},
 doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-88693-8\_8}

What's my problem? The DOI is displayed twice. And I only want the last notation (DOI.10.1007 …). I've tried the doi-package but this causes a lot of trouble with my tex-files. Could you please help me? I will try to give further informations.

Minimal example:


This is a test \cite{Agrawal.2008}.

\bibliography{minimalbib} %Add the entry i this file

Best Answer

This behaviour is a bug of alphadin.bst. In a former question at comp.tex.tex DOI in alphadin (German) the method solving the issue is shown. However every entry type must be redefined.

In my opinion the package biblatex is an very good alternative.

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