[Tex/LaTex] Alignment of item number in list containing a minipage

#enumeratelistsminipagevertical alignment

I would like to have the list number at the beginning of the item, and not centered as is the case for item (b) the example below. If I comment out the \usepackage{nccmath}, I get this, but then the spacing gets messed up. I'd rather keep the nccmath package if possible.

I also do need to keep the [c] for the minipages.

I have looked at Preventing itemize environment to insert initial vertical space and Including an itemized list within a tabular column using the paralist package, but can not get that to work for me.



\usepackage{nccmath} % Removing fixes vertical align, but changes spacing

    a &= b\\
    c &= d
    y &= z

  \item First item
  \item \MyMiniPage
  \item Third item

I attempted to use \compress as mentioned in the other posts above, but was not able to get it to work.

—————- Revised posting using \input ————-

This is in the file ListsProblem-Minipage.tex:



        a &= b\\
        c &= d
        y &= z

This is in the file ListsProblem-Minipage2.tex:



                (-3)^4 &= 81\\
\frac{5^{23}} {5^{21}} &= 25

And here is the main file:



\usepackage{nccmath} % Removing fixes align, but changes spacing
\input{ListsProblem-Minipage.tex}  % These two correctly yields
\input{ListsProblem-Minipage.tex}  % the desired 4 columns

    \item First item
    \item \input{ListsProblem-Minipage.tex}
    \item \input{ListsProblem-Minipage2.tex}  % not in a mini-page
    \item Third item

Note that the item label (b) is not aligned with the top of the two center aligned mini pages. The alignment of the (b) with the mini-pages that I want can be seen by commenting out the \usepackage{nccmath}. But I want a solution that does not require me to abandon the nccmath package. Commeting this out also screws up the spacing.

Best Answer

This may be solved with \valign

  \leavevmode\vtop{\hrule height 0pt \kern-\baselineskip
    \hbox to 1in{$\begin{aligned}
    a &= b\\
    c &= d
  \hbox to1in{$\begin{aligned}
    y &= z

I put everything into a \vtop, where I care to set the first line aligned with the \item; then it's just a "trivial" \valign. :)

--- Added after having seen the example ---

In the case of an included standalone file the approach is different:



  \leavevmode\vtop{\hrule height 0pt\kern-\dimexpr#1\relax

\usepackage{nccmath} % Removing fixes align, but changes spacing
\input{ListsProblem-Minipage.tex}  % These two correctly yields
\input{ListsProblem-Minipage.tex}  % the desired 4 columns

    \item First item
    \item \iteminput{ListsProblem-Minipage.tex}
    \item Third item

The command \iteminput has an optional argument in case the default back up in the \vtop is not correct
