[Tex/LaTex] Aligning tikz node at bottom of page (not paper; including margin)

tikz-pgfvertical alignment

I already know about \par\vspace*{\fill} to align a piece of text at the bottom of page (image below, left); but how do I do this with tikz?

Only thing close I can find is aligning to current page.base with anchor=south – but that aligns to bottom of page, as shown on image below right (code below; click on image for full resolution):

test.png: left without, right with tikz

Here is the code used for this image (both compiled with pdflatex test.tex):

left side test.tex:


% \typeout{ == \the\paperwidth / \the\paperheight ==}
% \typeout{ == \the\pdfpagewidth / \the\pdfpageheight ==}
\pdfpagewidth=\paperwidth \pdfpageheight=\paperheight

% to extract numbers from lengths:  % tex.se:15001
% NOTE: \getlength gets numeric portion as pt always;



  % display page margins based on \textwidth/height
  \put(-\mp,0) {\line(1,0){\mw}}
  \put(-\mp,0) {\line(0,-1){\mh}}
  \put(\mv,0) {\line(0,-1){\mh}}
  \put(-\mp,-\mh) {\line(1,0){\mw}}


  \par\vspace*{\fill} % \vfill no dice here

    Please consider

    this information

    very carefully.


right side test.tex:


% \typeout{ == \the\paperwidth / \the\paperheight ==}
% \typeout{ == \the\pdfpagewidth / \the\pdfpageheight ==}
\pdfpagewidth=\paperwidth \pdfpageheight=\paperheight

% to extract numbers from lengths:  % tex.se:15001
% NOTE: \getlength gets numeric portion as pt always;



  % display page margins based on \textwidth/height
  \put(-\mp,0) {\line(1,0){\mw}}
  \put(-\mp,0) {\line(0,-1){\mh}}
  \put(\mv,0) {\line(0,-1){\mh}}
  \put(-\mp,-\mh) {\line(1,0){\mw}}


  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]

    \path[anchor=south] (current page.base) node[above] (textInfo) {% (286.45807,94.70213)
        Please consider

        this information

        very carefully.


To generate image:

convert -density 150 -bordercolor LimeGreen -border 2 test.pdf test1.png #left
convert -density 150 -bordercolor LimeGreen -border 2 test.pdf test2.png #right
montage test1.png test2.png -geometry +2+2 -tile 2x1 test.png

Many thanks in advance for any answers,

Best Answer

This is relatively easy with the tikzpagenodes package by Martin Scharrer:



  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture,inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]

    \node[anchor=south] at (current page text area.south) {% 
        Please consider

        this information

        very carefully.



enter image description here