[Tex/LaTex] aligning the equal signs without numbering each line in latex


Suppose I have something like,

$\therefore$ we have the following:

2x + 7 &= 5x + 8 \\[0.1in]
&= 2x - 7 \\[0.1in]
&= 4 \\[0.1in]

I randomly made equations up but the point is I want to line up all the equal signs. However when I do something like this it always tabs everything in between the align command all the way to the center of the page when I just when to align the equal signs while not shifting the whole equation over. Also, when I do this it numbers each line which I do not want it to do. Is there a way to align the equal signs without numbering each line and without moving everything over so much?



\newcommand{\myname}{Name: -------}  


\assignment       \hspace*{\fill} \course \hspace*{\fill} \myname\\
\probs    \hspace*{\fill}              

\markright{\course{} \assignment: \myname}
 {\begin{trivlist}\item[\hspace{0pt} \textbf{#1}~\textbf{#2.}]}

    {\LARGE \bf Your name is {\color{BrickRed} \myname}?\\[3pt]
    Please change \texttt{\color{BrickRed} \textbackslash myname} and re-process.}




Best Answer

\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,showframe}     %% show frame just for demo
  $\therefore$ we have the following:
   & \begin{aligned}
       2x + 7 &= 5x + 8 \\[0.1in]
              &= 2x - 7 \\[0.1in]
              &= 4 %\\[0.1in]

enter image description here

With your template:


\newcommand{\myname}{Name: -------}


\assignment       \hspace*{\fill} \course \hspace*{\fill} \myname\\
\probs    \hspace*{\fill}

\markright{\course{} \assignment: \myname}
 {\begin{trivlist}\item[\hspace{0pt} \textbf{#1}~\textbf{#2.}]}

    {\LARGE \bf Your name is {\color{BrickRed} \myname}?\\[3pt]
    Please change \texttt{\color{BrickRed} \textbackslash myname} and re-process.}



  $\therefore$ we have the following:
   & \begin{aligned}
       2x + 7 &= 5x + 8 \\[0.1in]
              &= 2x - 7 \\[0.1in]
              &= 4 %\\[0.1in]


enter image description here

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