[Tex/LaTex] Aligning subfigures both horizontally and vertically with memoir

horizontal alignmentmemoirsubfloatsvertical alignment

I'm trying to place 4 subfigures of different sizes aligned. Here the box-k.pdf files contain boxes with marks at the midsides. The result has box-1 and box-3 aligned at the left margin, not centered (but the captions are centered).

texlive-2012, as distributed for Fedora.


    \subfloat[Box 1]{
    \subfloat[Box 2]{
    \subfloat[Box 3]{
    \subfloat[Box 4]{
    \caption{Some boxen}

Best Answer

You should compute the width and heights, so as to catch the maximum and minimum widths:



\ifdim\wd2>\alignwidth \setlength\alignwidth{\wd2}\fi
\ifdim\ht2>\alignheight \setlength\alignheight{\ht2}\fi
\ifdim\ht4>\alignwidth \setlength\alignwidth{\wd4}\fi
\ifdim\ht2>\alignheight \setlength\alignheight{\ht4}\fi
\ifdim\ht6>\alignwidth \setlength\alignwidth{\wd6}\fi
\ifdim\ht2>\alignheight \setlength\alignheight{\ht6}\fi

  \subfloat[Box 1]{\fakeheight{\alignwidth}{\alignheight}{\usebox0}}\hspace{4em}%
  \subfloat[Box 2]{\fakeheight{\alignwidth}{\alignheight}{\usebox2}}\\[2ex]
  \subfloat[Box 3]{\fakeheight{\alignwidth}{\alignheight}{\usebox4}}\hspace{4em}%
  \subfloat[Box 4]{\fakeheight{\alignwidth}{\alignheight}{\usebox6}}
\caption{Some boxen}

The command \pdfimage is deprecated by the same PGF package, in favor of \includegraphics. Of course here the maximum width and height are known, but I just used the explicit dimensions to mock up an example.

enter image description here

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