[Tex/LaTex] Aligning multiline equation to the left with only one equation number


My problem is:

I would like to align a splitted equation to the left of the page with only one equation number.

If I use split then the equations won't align to the left and if I use flalign then I would get two equation numbers

Using split

F\{j(t)\}=&-\tfrac{j_{max}}{2\pi jf}e^{-2\pi jf\frac{a_{max}}{j_{max}}}+\tfrac{j_{max}}{2\pi jf}+\tfrac{j_{max}}{2\pi jf}e^{-2\pi jf(\frac{v_{max}}{a_{max}}+\frac{a_{max}}{j_{max}})} \\
    &-\tfrac{j_{max}}{2\pi jf}e^{-2\pi jf\frac{v_{max}}{a_{max}}}

Using flalign

F\{j(t)\}=&-\tfrac{j_{max}}{2\pi jf}e^{-2\pi jf\frac{a_{max}}{j_{max}}}+\tfrac{j_{max}}{2\pi jf}+\tfrac{j_{max}}{2\pi jf}e^{-2\pi jf(\frac{v_{max}}{a_{max}}+\frac{a_{max}}{j_{max}})} &\\
    &-\tfrac{j_{max}}{2\pi jf}e^{-2\pi jf\frac{v_{max}}{a_{max}}}

So the two equations in split are centered and I would like them to the left. And the two equations in aligned are to the left but have two equation numbers (see immage). How do I solve this?


Best Answer

You can put a whole split inside the first field of flalign, or better used aligned here:

Sample output




F\{j(t)\}=&-\tfrac{j_{\max}}{2\pi jf}e^{-2\pi jf\frac{a_{\max}}{j_{\max}}}+\tfrac{j_{\max}}{2\pi jf}+\tfrac{j_{\max}}{2\pi jf}e^{-2\pi jf(\frac{v_{\max}}{a_{\max}}+\frac{a_{\max}}{j_{\max}})} \\
    &-\tfrac{j_{\max}}{2\pi jf}e^{-2\pi jf\frac{v_{\max}}{a_{\max}}}


The aligned building block can be used anywhere inside other math constructions. split is more restricted.

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