[Tex/LaTex] Aligning equations in IEEEtran


My output PDF should look like
Reference PDF

Instead, it looks like

enter image description here

Can you help me? I'm showing just the second page, as the first page of my pdf and the reference pdf are identical. Here I show my code. Thanks in advance!

\documentclass[a4paper, 10pt, conference]{IEEEtran}
\title{A Sample \LaTeX Article}

\author{xxx\\Universidad de Málaga, Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales\\29071-Málaga, Spain}

    This a sample document that reviews some aspects of \LaTeX to practice with them for a Master subject\footnote{\textit{"Escritura y Comunicación de Publicaciones de Investigación en Ingeniería"}}.

\LaTeX{} is a markup language designed and implemented by \textbf{Leslie Lamport}, based on \textbf{Donald E. Knuth’s} typesetting language \TeX{}. The notation in the source file may appear somewhat challenging, but the compiled document is certainly a pleasing rendering of the text. 

\TeX{} comes with a set of fonts called Computer Modern (CM). Additional fonts designed for use in mathematics are provide by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). \TeX{} is expandable, that is, additional commands can be defined in terms of more basic ones. One of the best known expansions of \TeX{} is \LaTeX{} (see Fig. \ref{fig:example}. Add-on features for LATEX are known as packages. Dozens of these are pre-installed and can be used immediately.

An article is divided into \textit{logical units}, including various sections and subsections, and a bibliography. This is specified by the document class. Once all the units have been typed, \LaTeX{} controls the \textit{placement} and \textit{formating} of these elements. \LaTeX{} automatically numbers the sections and equations in your article, and builds the cross-references. If any change is made to the article, it automatically renumbers its various parts and rebuilds the cross-references.

\LaTeX{} commands, as a rule, start with a backslash (\textbackslash). \textit{Environments} are used to format blocks of text in a document. Each \textit{comment} line begins with \%. \LaTeX{} will ignore everything on the line after the \% character.

Table \ref{Tab:mydata} shows some common extensions related with \LaTeX{} files.

\caption{Common file extensions in \LaTeX{}.} \label{Tab:mydata} 

Extension & File \\ 
\texttt{.tex} & input   \\ 
\texttt{.pdf} & output\\ 
\texttt{.aux} & auxiliary\\
\texttt{.cls} & document class\\
\texttt{.bib} & references\\
\texttt{.bst} & bibliography style\\

    \centering % Center figure
    \includegraphics[width= 0.7\columnwidth]{figure.pdf}
    \caption{\LaTeX{} foundation.}

The same information contained in \ref{Tab:mydata} can be found in the following list:
\item[] \texttt{.text} is the input text file.
\item[] \texttt{.pdf} is the output file.
\item[] \texttt{.aux} refers to an auxiliary file for the compiler.
\item[] \texttt{.cls} defines a document class file.
\item[] \texttt{.bib} contains the references of the document.
\item[] \texttt{.bst} defines the style for the biography.\end{itemize}
Next, some examples on how to cite works from a journal \cite{Rieger:2010}, a conference \cite{Scaramuzza:2007}, a book \cite{Thrun:2005}, a chapter of a book \cite{Ollero:1997} and a web page \cite{IAIS:2013} can be found.

This work was not supported by any research project.



\begin{equation} \label{eq:1}
(sI-A)^{-1}=\frac{\textrm{adjoint(}sI-A\textrm{)}}{\lvert sI-A \rvert} \Rightarrow G(s)=\frac{C\,\textrm{adjoint(}sI-A\textrm{)}B+D\lvert sI-A \rvert}{\lvert sI-A \rvert}\end{equation}

This appendix presents equations \eqref{eq:1} to \eqref{eq:6} and the algorithm \ref{alg:1}.

\begin{equation} \label{eq:2} \left( \begin{array}{ccc}
G_{11}(s) & \cdots & G_{1p}(s)\\
\vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\
G_{m1}(s) & \cdots & G_{mp}(s)
\end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c}
\end{array} \right),  \end{equation}

\begin{equation} \label{eq:3}
    x(t)=e^{At}x(0)+e^{At}\int_0^1 e^{-A\tau}\,B\,u\,(\tau)\,d\tau,

\begin{equation} \label{eq:4}
    x(k+1)=x(k)\Rightarrow \begin{cases}
    x_{2e}=y_{e}=0.142r, \end{cases}

\begin{equation} \label{eq:5}

\begin{align} \label{eq:6}
E[v(t_{1})v^{T}(t_2)]=R\delta(t_1,t_2),&\quad E[v(t_{1})w^{T}(t_2)]=0, \nonumber \\
E[w(t_{1})w^{T}(t_2)]=Q\delta(t_1,t_2),&\quad E[w(t_{1})v^{T}(t_2)]=0,

\begin{algorithm} \label{alg:1}
% \SetAlgoLined
\KwIn{$L, \sigma$}
\KwVar{$M, I, R$}\\
Initialize $M \leftarrow -1 $ \% Matrix of size $i^{max}_x\cdot i^{max}_y$\\
$R\leftarrow\{\} \%$ List of removed cubes\\
Sort List $L$ in increasing order of indices $I$\\
Access to the first index $I$ of $L$.\\
  $(i_x,i_y,y_zt)\leftarrow I$;\\
   $R\leftarrow\{R,I\} \%$ Let the cube collapse\;
  Access to the next index $I$ of $L$
 \KwResult{Sorted list $R$ with cubes from overhangs}
 \caption{The collapsible cubes algorithm}


Best Answer

Your document uses a two-column layout. I'm afraid I don't understand why the equation should span both columns. I'd use a gathered environment to introduce a line-break, to allow the material to fit inside one column.

enter image description here



\hrule % just to illustrate width of textblock

\begin{equation} \label{eq:1}
(sI-A)^{-1}=\frac{\adjoint(sI-A)}{\abs{sI-A}} \\
\Rightarrow G(s)=\frac{C\adjoint(sI-A)B+D\abs{sI-A}}{\abs{sI-A}}
\hrule % just to illustrate width of textblock