[Tex/LaTex] Align values in bmatrix


Is it possible to renew the bmatrix environment to have alignment?

I would like the following vectors to show aligned:

 -0.505 & \\
 -0.141 & \\
 0.144 & \\
 0.839 & \\

Best Answer

Example with matrix environment. Work also for bmatrix

Taken from here. Article by Stefan Kottwitz.

This code produces unaligned numbers:

    1 &  2 &  1 \\
    0 & -2 & -3 \\
    0 & 3 &  -2

enter image description here

However, the environment can be renewed to support alignment:

\renewcommand*\env@matrix[1][c]{\hskip -\arraycolsep
  \array{*\c@MaxMatrixCols #1}}

Now it is possible to do:

    1 &  2 &  1 \\
    0 & -2 & -3 \\
    0 & 3 &  -2

which outputs:

enter image description here