[Tex/LaTex] Align marginpar with beginning of paragraph

marginparvertical alignment

Is there a way to align a marginpar with the beginning of a paragraph, without cluttering the text of the paragraph?

If I do the following, the marginpar lines up with the last line of the first paragraph.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur scelerisque purus vitae nisl lacinia at volutpat sapien bibendum. Sed mollis ultricies arcu non posuere.
\marginpar{Praesent nulla arcu.}Proin neque ante, placerat in laoreet quis, egestas sit amet leo. Mauris vestibulum cursus elit et vulputate. Cras congue nulla vitae tortor mattis porttitor.

Moving the marginpar after the first word of the second paragraph produces the desired effect, but clutters the source document (especially with longer marginpars). Is there a way to achieve both?

Best Answer

\hspace{0pt}\marginpar{...} at the front of the paragraph should do the job.