[Tex/LaTex] Align itemize bullet to text

horizontal alignmentitemizelists

I am looking for a command to align text to the itemize's bullet.

\textbf{Short text in here}
\item A description of..
\item Another description of..

My text and items are nicely moved 10mm towards right due to the \leftskip{10mm} but it won't align just right.

Now, I want the bullet from my item to left align with my "Short text in here". I need a command to offset my items a little to the right. Is there any way to handle that?

I hope this makes sense. Otherwise, don't hesitate to ask once again! 🙂

Best Answer

With enumitem:

  \textbf{Short text in here}
    \item A description of..
    \item Another description of..

enter image description here

But, I don't understand some thing. May be instead of \textbf you can use a \section*. Then you can write

\usepackage{enumitem,showframe} %% show frame just for demo
  \section*{Short text in here}
    \item A description of..
    \item Another description of

enter image description here