[Tex/LaTex] Align all leaf nodes in tikz-qtree


I am trying to reproduce this graph:

leaf aligned

I've read in tikz-qtree documentation that I need to compute the size from the root as a multiple of level distance, but I can get it to work. So far I have:

\documentclass[ twoside,openright,titlepage,numbers=noenddot,headinclude,%1headlines,% letterpaper a4paper
            footinclude=true,cleardoublepage=empty,abstractoff, % <--- obsolete, remove (todo)

\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=left}]
    edge from parent/.style={
      draw,edge from parent
      path={(\tikzparentnode.south)-- +(0,-8pt)-| (\tikzchildnode)}
%    level 2/.style={level distance=50pt},
%    frontier/.style={distance from root=150pt} % Align leaf nodes

   \Tree [.S
                [.Rolls-Royce ] [.Motor ] [.Cars ] [.Inc ]
                [.said ]
                   [.NONE ]
                      [.NP [.it ] ]
                      [. VP
                         [.expects ]
                               [.its ] [.U.S ] [. sales ]
                               [. to ]
                               [. VP
                                  [.remain ]
                                  [.ADJP [. steady ] ]
                                     [.at ]
                                        [.QP [.about ] [.1200 ] ]
                                        [.cars ]

But the result is this (does not fit the page):

my result

What I am doing wrong?

So far I tried this recomendations:

Best Answer

May I suggest Forest for the tree and sidewaysfigure for the placement?

First, the tree:

  forked edges,
  where n children=0{tier=terminus}{},

Forest tree

Even set sideways, the tree is too wide. Rather than scaling it, which should be a choice of last resort, it would be better to use a smaller font size, such as \scriptsize and to reduce the space between the nodes by changing s sep. Making these changes, the tree fits and will be more legible than one which was simply scaled. This is especially true if you are using optically sized fonts.

fitting tree

\documentclass[twoside,openright,titlepage,numbers=noenddot,headinclude,  footinclude=true,cleardoublepage=empty,abstractoff,BCOR=5mm,paper=a4,fontsize=11pt,ngerman,american]{scrreprt}
    forked edges,
    where n children=0{tier=terminus}{},
    for tree={
      s sep'=1pt,
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