[Tex/LaTex] Algorithmicx Nested FOR loop in pseudocode


I have been trying to format the pseudocode below combining algorithmicx and algpseudocode commands as well as following another related post

algorithmicx or algpseudocode custom command indentation within a while loop or if statement1

The following pseudocode is what I am trying to reproduce.

Algorithm 1

\algnewcommand\GENERATE[1]{\State\algorithmicgenerate\ #1}
\algnewcommand\SET[1]{\State\algorithmicset\ #1}



 \GENERATE{$S_t^{(i)} \qquad ,i=1,...,I,t=1,...,M$}
 \SET{$C_t^0(S_t^{(i)})=0 \qquad
 \SET{$C_{M+1}^n(S_{M+1}^{(i)})=0 \qquad ,i=1,...,I,n=0,1,...,N$}
 \SET{$\hat{\Phi}_t^{(n)}(S_t^{(i)})=0 \qquad, i=1,...,I,t=1,...,M,n=0,1,...,N$}
 \FOR{$\quad t=M,...,1$}
  \SET{$\iota_t^{(i)} = \arg\max_{a_t^{(i)}\in A}\{P(S_t^{(i)};a_t^{(i)})\} \qquad ,i=1,...,I$}
  \FOR{$\, n=\max(1,N-t),...,N$}


Which compiles to

*As you can see Line 7 would not allow me to nest a second FOR loop indented at the same level as Line 6.

Are there any custom commands more suitable for what I am trying to achieve as i honestly find it a bit confusing?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.*

Best Answer

Well, the correct code for an for loop in your case would be:

  \For{$\, n=\max(1,N-t),...,N$}
    \SET{$\iota_t^{(i)} = \arg\max_{a_t^{(i)}\in A}\{P(S_t^{(i)};a_t^{(i)})\} \qquad ,i=1,...,I$}

Please notice the lower letter in \For and \EndFor.

To get the For loop commands printed in capital letters use the following two commands:

\algrenewcommand\algorithmicfor{\textbf{FOR}} % <=======================
\algrenewcommand\algorithmicend{\textbf{END}} % <=======================

Please see the following complete MWE



\algnewcommand\GENERATE[1]{\State\algorithmicgenerate\ #1}
\algnewcommand\SET[1]{\State\algorithmicset\ #1}
\algrenewcommand\algorithmicfor{\textbf{FOR}} % <=======================
\algrenewcommand\algorithmicend{\textbf{END}} % <=======================


\GENERATE{$S_t^{(i)} \qquad ,i=1,...,I,t=1,...,M$}
\SET{$C_t^0(S_t^{(i)})=0 \qquad
\SET{$C_{M+1}^n(S_{M+1}^{(i)})=0 \qquad ,i=1,...,I,n=0,1,...,N$}
\SET{$\hat{\Phi}_t^{(n)}(S_t^{(i)})=0 \qquad, i=1,...,I,t=1,...,M,n=0,1,...,N$}
\For{$\quad t=M,...,1$}
  \SET{$\iota_t^{(i)} = \arg\max_{a_t^{(i)}\in A}\{P(S_t^{(i)};a_t^{(i)})\} \qquad ,i=1,...,I$}
  \For{$\, n=\max(1,N-t),...,N$}
    \SET{$\iota_t^{(i)} = \arg\max_{a_t^{(i)}\in A}\{P(S_t^{(i)};a_t^{(i)})\} \qquad ,i=1,...,I$}

and its result:

resulting pdf

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