[Tex/LaTex] Advanced Wrapfig


Consider the following code and output.




How can I have the text follow the gradient of the triangle in the image?

Best Answer

\parshape can be used in the following setup:

enter image description here

\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum
\usepackage{graphicx,wrapfig}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{graphicx,wrapfig}


\null\hfill\smash{% Place image with adjustment for height/depth
\par\vspace*{\dimexpr-\baselineskip-\parskip}% Correct for following paragraph

% \parshape <num lines> <indent> <width> ...
\parshape 12 0pt 0.5\textwidth
0pt \dimexpr0.5\textwidth+\baselineskip\relax
0pt \dimexpr0.5\textwidth+0.75\baselineskip\relax
0pt \dimexpr0.5\textwidth+1.5\baselineskip\relax
0pt \dimexpr0.5\textwidth+2.25\baselineskip\relax
0pt \dimexpr0.5\textwidth+3.0\baselineskip\relax
0pt \dimexpr0.5\textwidth+3.75\baselineskip\relax
0pt \dimexpr0.5\textwidth+4.5\baselineskip\relax
0pt \dimexpr0.5\textwidth+5.25\baselineskip\relax
0pt \dimexpr0.5\textwidth+6.0\baselineskip\relax
0pt \dimexpr0.5\textwidth+6.75\baselineskip\relax
0pt \textwidth


For a more programmatic way at dealing with this, you could use Xfig. For such an approach, see

or other, related posts: