[Tex/LaTex] Adjusting loop (identity) arrow in tikzcd


With the following code



\arrow[loop left]{l}{\mathrm{id}_A} \ar{r}A &
B\times C \arrow[loop right]{r}{\mathrm{id}_{B\times C}} 


I get:

enter image description here

I'd like to fix the arrows, so that they have the same size independent of the source object, with preference given to the big arrow.

My attempts so far had been only somehow not very effective:



\arrow[loop left]{l}{\mathrm{id}_A} \ar{r}A \hspace{.5cm}& 
 {B\times C\arrow[loop right]{r}{\mathrm{id}_{B\times C}} }

\arrow[loop left]{l}{\mathrm{id}_A} \ar{r}A &
\hspace{-.7cm}{B\times \hspace{-1.9cm}}& {C\arrow[loop right]{r}{\mathrm{id}_{B\times C}} }


enter image description here

Best Answer

I fear, you will have to set the start and end anchors manually. I can't think of a better solution:

% arara: pdflatex


        \arrow[loop left, distance=3em, start anchor={[yshift=-1ex]west}, end anchor={[yshift=1ex]west}]{}{\mathrm{id}_A} \arrow{r} A 
        & B\times C\arrow[loop right, distance=3em, start anchor={[yshift=1ex]east}, end anchor={[yshift=-1ex]east}]{}{\mathrm{id}_{B\times C}} 

enter image description here

For even more control on the arrow, you can define [out=-150, in=150, loop, distance=3em,...].

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