[Tex/LaTex] Adjust space between acronym and glossary-mcol description


To save page space I additionaly use \usepackage{glossary-mcols} to get the acronyms printed in two columns. The same space trick from here (Nicola answers) unfortunately doesn't work after calling \setglossarystyle{mcolindex}. How to get the same distance into the two-column acronyms?
The MWE:

\usepackage[english,ngerman]{babel} % Multilingual support -> ctan.org/pkg/babel?lang=en

%TOSET Modify list of (glossar, acronyms, symbols) appearance
\usepackage[acronyms,nopostdot,nonumberlist]{glossaries} % Make custom, multiple, sorted lists (abbreviation, glossary(explaining terms), symbols)
\setacronymstyle{long-short}                % behaviour: first time use long term, then use abbreviation
\newglossary*{mysyms}{Symbolverzeichnis}    % custom glossary, type=mysmys
\makenoidxglossaries                        % initialize, the main(def.) glossary gets dedicated to definitions
\newglossaryentry{potato}{name={potato},plural={potatoes}, description={starchy tuber}}  % From the text reference with \gls{<label>}, for headings \glsentrytext{<label>}
\newglossaryentry{cabbage}{name={cabbage},description={vegetable with thick green or purple leaves}}
\newglossaryentry{ROS_def}{name={ROS},description={Operating system connecting various C++ nodes}}

\newacronym{ac:ros}{ROS}{Roboter Operating System}
\newacronym{ac:svm}{SVM}{support vector machine}
\newacronym{ac:II}{II}{Interconnected Intersection}

\newglossaryentry{R}{type=mysyms,name={R},description={rational number amount}} 


        \glsglossarymark{Glossar}               % change header if wanted
        \printnoidxglossary                 % Shortcut to display all glossaries at once 
        \setglossarysection{section}            % get them on one page
    Test use: \acrfull{ac:ros} \acrfull{ac:svm} \gls{R} \gls{cabbage} \gls{potato} \gls{ROS_def} \acrfull{ac:II}

enter image description here

Best Answer

The command \glssetwidest is only provided for the alttree styles (see Tree-Like Styles). The glossary-mcols package provides analogous styles to those in glossary-tree, so \glssetwidest can also be used with the mcolalttree styles, but not with any of the other styles.

The simplest solution is to just replace mcolindex with mcolalttree:





\newglossaryentry{potato}{name={potato},plural={potatoes}, description={starchy tuber}}
\newglossaryentry{cabbage}{name={cabbage},description={vegetable with thick green or purple leaves}}
\newglossaryentry{ROS_def}{name={ROS},description={Operating system connecting various C++ nodes}}

\newacronym{ac:ros}{ROS}{Roboter Operating System}
\newacronym{ac:svm}{SVM}{support vector machine}
\newacronym{ac:II}{II}{Interconnected Intersection}

\newglossaryentry{R}{type=mysyms,name={R},description={rational number amount}} 




    Test use: \acrfull{ac:ros} \acrfull{ac:svm} \gls{R} \gls{cabbage} \gls{potato} \gls{ROS_def} \acrfull{ac:II}
